Why the name “No Name”


The name “No Name” might raise some eyebrows as to why we’ve chosen that name. It does however have a backstory that fits quite well with the company itself and how we see ourselves.

When we started the company we created all plans for the business with what we wanted to achieve and how we wanted to help our clients. We even started to already help clients. After a while we found out that one thing was missing… our own branding. As we did not yet have a name, everything was named “No Name”.

After brainstorming for several weeks – mostly interrupted by running the business and getting on with what we’re doing – we came to the conclusion that the name “No Name” actually explains really well how we want to represent our company. It’s not about us, it’s about You – our client.

So we decided to stick with our guns and keep the name “No Name”. We still stand by it, our clients come first, second and third. Then, maybe, our own brand.

Well, well, you now know why we started the company and the reason behind our (somewhat strange) name. In 2 days I’ll deep-dive into the issues that we’ve experienced trying to solve the problem. Tune in! Or check in the comments for the link, it’s already live on our website.


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